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 [mtc] - Jolly Gauntlet

by  Dodeka  |  0
It's a start
AT   02:33.961 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Advanced 
ID  213903 
  Race Endurance Mixed    
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Hey TMX,

This is my participation to the December 2024 MTC. I haven't participated in the MTC for almost 6 years, time flies. :p

When I saw the theme, I thought "It would be sick to create a map shaped like a tree!" not knowing the scale that a project like that would take. (took around 30 hours as it turns out)

There's really a bit of everything in this map. Having mainly mapped tech and RPG on TM2 Stadium, this map gave me a great opportunity to experiment building with the things unique to TM2020: wood, funny water, plastic, reactors, alt cars, ice and so on. I took some inspiration from mini-RPG ideas too.

Disclaimer: This map is difficult because of all the sharp turns and tight sections needed to make the concept of the map work nicely and cohesively. So make sure to take the red arrow signs seriously!

As always, good luck and I hope you enjoy :done:
 Embedded objects64 Objects
Object IX? Object author
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Ball_Orange_16m.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
Ball_Purple_16m.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
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Gift_Blue_16m.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
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Gift_Purple_4m.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
Gift_Purple_8m.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
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Gift_Red_4m.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
Gift_Yellow_16m.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
Gift_Yellow_4m.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
Gift_Blue_4m.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
Gift_Blue_8m.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
Gift_Green_16m.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
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Gift_Orange_2m.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
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 64 / 64 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
 Included in mappacks