Warning!!! BLENDER Mapping and Rally Car!!!
Map for Eurus - A New Chapter
This track contains a route built and optimized in Blender. Main (black) surface is DiRT (best grip for Rally Car), outside is Grass (non-penalty). You will need to drive carefully, not going much beyond the DiRT Road. Collidable obstacles will agree with me.. Many turns require throttle release. There are also turns that may require braking.
This track has a decent GPS, Intro and Outro (podium), as well as Cinematic. At the same time, the standard music from Nadeo has been replaced with music of its own production (so I recommend turning on the music (not the sound*)).
And again... This map is made with a minimum number of standard blocks from Nadeo. Only trees and light screens were used.
Special thanks, as always, to my advisers and coachers:
- Notavailablenam
- Avi
- Juice
- Soba