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 HBC 20

by  Vaelyn  |  0
AT   00:31.765 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Beginner 
ID  204854 
  Mixed Ice Dirt    
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HBC 20, September 6th, 2022


1. 35-ish Seconds Max
2. Beginner Friendly - If you make a tricky jump, build a slower safe route as well
3. Must be double-respawnable
4. No LOL/Kacky maps, make them kind of normal to drive
5. Try to make your map as cut-proof as possible


1. Use template, drive the route over each disc
2. You may change the surface of the templates, but not the location
3. Make a short jump and a bigger jump (build safe routes)
 Embedded objects8 Objects
Object IX? Object author
MyMagnetLongSlope1.Item.Gbx Entity
M2PlatformTechSlopeBase.Block.Gbx zlX_rqZoR7mzID4eblGOkg
PlatformTechCurve2In.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
PlatformTechCurve3Out.Item.Gbx Trackmaniadude
WoodFlatToBanked5R.Item.Gbx Rxelux
WoodBankedToFlatT3R.Item.Gbx Rxelux
PlatformBankedToFlatT3R.Item.Gbx Rxelux
CP-stripe-autorotate.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
 7 / 8 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange