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Location: Home  Find Maps  Allanoiz's Maps  27.579 


by  Allanoiz  |  0
AT   00:27.579 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Expert 
ID  173439 
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I made this map for personal reasons.

Hope it's not getting banned.

The AT is genuine and driven by me, did not use validation tool (YES I had to try multiple times!)

My run on the map is geniune too (YES I had to try multiple times, re-uploading the map again and again because I was too fast)

PF all the way is 27.590

Fun project for me!

And remember;
With time, reality is catching up
 Embedded objects9 Objects
Object IX? Object author
PlatformTechBaseBumper2.Item.Gbx eyebo
GrassRemover.Block.Gbx Zai
A1.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
B1.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
Y1.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
Big2.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
Big5.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
Big7.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
Big9.Item.Gbx SchurkSmurf
 9 / 9 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange