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by  HOFF111  |  12
AT   00:41.500 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  126302 
  Tech Race    
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:46.084   MrPepsy 12 (100%)
2nd   00:54.648  AmpelJoe10 9.6 (80%)
 Author Comments
~42 second long tech map mixed with some grass parts and a few tiny jumps.
The track isn't really difficult to complete but there are quiet a few places to gain some time with your drifting skills.
Build a fairly simple scenery with a few track pieces and some trees. Just enough to make it look nice without having any impact on driving.
 Embedded objects27 Objects
Object IX? Object author
1-5-2-1-LongTurn-mirror.Item.Gbx Kudz.
1-5-2-1-LongTurn.Item.Gbx Kudz.
1-5-2-1-STurn-mirror.Item.Gbx Kudz.
1-5-2-1-STurn.Item.Gbx Kudz.
1-5-2-1-TinyTurn-mirror.Item.Gbx Kudz.
1-5-2-1-TinyTurn.Item.Gbx Kudz.
TechPlatformToRoadMirror.Item.Gbx slowpiou
RoadTechClipStraight.Item.Gbx slowpiou
RoadTechClipTiltLeft.Item.Gbx slowpiou
RoadTechClipTiltRight.Item.Gbx slowpiou
RoadTechToRoadBumpSlopeStart.Item.gbx slowpiou
TechTiltToBumpC2UpRight.Item.Gbx slowpiou
TechTiltToBumpTiltCurve2.Item.Gbx slowpiou
TechToBumpTiltC2UpLeft.Item.Gbx slowpiou
TechToBumpTiltC2UpRight.Item.Gbx slowpiou
TechTiltToDirtTiltRight_2X.Item.Gbx slowpiou
GPS_Red.Item.gbx Mr.Nugu
V_BR_Tur_Flat_BLeft_Even_Left2_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
V_PG_Tur_Flat_BLeft_Even_Left2_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
V_PG_Str_Flat_HBRight_Down1_Center_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
V_RT-RD_Tur_Flat_HBRight_Even_Right_Size2.Item.Gbx Juice
W_PG_Str_HBRight_HBRight_Even_Center_Size1.Item.gbx Juice
ssb_dia_single.Item.gbx squikeay
ssb_slope.Item.gbx squikeay
ssb_slope_base.Item.gbx squikeay
ssb_slope_start.Item.gbx squikeay
aRoadConnecter.Item.Gbx _firestorrm
 27 / 27 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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