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 Anteroom #1

by  Dodecane  |  0
It's a start
AT   00:48.726 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  110494 
  Remake Dirt Scenery    
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Remaster/port of a track from Micro Madness. The entire route has been reworked to make it TM friendly.
 Embedded objects34 Objects
Object IX? Object author
level02.Item.Gbx Dodecane
level02_track01.Item.Gbx Dodecane
level02_track01_1.Item.Gbx Dodecane
level02_track01_2.Item.Gbx Dodecane
level02_track01_3.Item.Gbx Dodecane
level02_track01_4.Item.Gbx Dodecane
level02_track01_5.Item.Gbx Dodecane
level02_track01_6.Item.Gbx Dodecane
but_lewy.Item.Gbx Dodecane
but_prawy.Item.Gbx Dodecane
klocek2.Item.Gbx Dodecane
klocek2_001.Item.Gbx Dodecane
klocek3.Item.Gbx Dodecane
klocek3_001.Item.Gbx Dodecane
klocek3_002.Item.Gbx Dodecane
klocek3_003.Item.Gbx Dodecane
klocek4.Item.Gbx Dodecane
klocek4_001.Item.Gbx Dodecane
klocek4_002.Item.Gbx Dodecane
klocek4_003.Item.Gbx Dodecane
klocek4_004.Item.Gbx Dodecane
klucz.Item.Gbx Dodecane
kulka.Item.Gbx Dodecane
kulka_001.Item.Gbx Dodecane
kulka_002.Item.Gbx Dodecane
lampka.Item.Gbx Dodecane
miotla.Item.Gbx Dodecane
odkurzacz.Item.Gbx Dodecane
oslona2.Item.Gbx Dodecane
swiecznik.Item.Gbx Dodecane
swiecznik_001.Item.Gbx Dodecane
telefon.Item.Gbx Dodecane
wkosz.Item.Gbx Dodecane
zegar.Item.Gbx Dodecane