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 [90MC - 6] Ends of the Earth

by  skybaxrider»UD |  18 |  0
ID  963 
The 90MC #6 hosted by   skybaxrider»UD on the 17th of October, 2021.

Theme: Build a track inside the stadium where the start and finish are in different corners of the building area.

Thread: https://trackmania.exchange/threads/167?postid=12078

Results: (link)

1, 47.5, Hyper
2, 46.5, End to End
3, 45.5, Untold
4, 42.0, BeeRally
5, 41.0, Grassified
5, 41.0, Diamondback
7, 38.5, booze shop on the corner
8, 38.0, Hectic
9, 37.5, Green Slippers
10, 36.5, Cornerrerrer
11, 36.0, Galactic Chaos
12, 35.5, watchthepaintwork!
12, 35.5, Royal Lane
14, 31.0, Bunny Hop by Grymlock
15, 29.0, [PF] Cornered
D/Q, ----, Directionless
D/Q, ----, Anxiety
D/Q, ----, Biomes
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