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 Summer 2021 but in Reverse

by  Flamyft |  25 |  180
ID  785 
Hey ! (brb) (brb)

I made this campaign based on the Summer 2021 Trackmania campaign.

In this mappack, you'll find the normal campaing tracks... but reversed !

That means that the start is at the end and vice-versa

I didn't managed to find a way to finish all of the maps, but hopefully some of you guys are more imaginative than me. Here is the list of the map that I couldn't finish:
:undone: 01
:undone: 07
:undone: 09
:undone: 16
:undone: 20
:undone: 22
:undone: 24
:undone: 25

Enjoy ! (brb) (brb)
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