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 Transitional Mapping Competition

by  Karlberg.wp |  34 |  44
ID  730 
Hey everyone! Thanks to your guys' support in the last months I've decided to host a mapping competition!
The theme of the competition is my favorite style to map: Transitional

Everything is explained here - https://youtu.be/OK6vd3tI39M
If you have any questions, feel free to join my discord! There will be an up-to-date FAQ channel.
Discord - https://discord.gg/bbKC29q

YouTube - https://youtube.com/c/karlbergtm
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/karlberg
Discord - https://discord.gg/bbKC29q
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Karlberg
Twitter - https://twitter.com/FilipKarlberg

The map..
1. Includes at least 5 transitions, more than 5 is recommended.
2. Does not use free-mode for the route. (allowed in scenery)
3. Is not public before the voting phase.
4. Is playable without any 3rd party plugins.

The replay..
1. Is between 30-50s long.
2. Includes a playthrough of the map.
3. Does not include any custom cameras or multiple ghosts in the playthrough.
4. Does not include any heavy use of camera shake, blinking lights and other things that could be epileptic.

The replay can include an intro to the map, the intro should be a way to introduce the viewers/voters to the map to get a feel for it before the playthrough of it. (Recommended)

The intro..
1. Is no longer than 10s
2. Does not include any heavy use of camera shake, blinking lights and other things that could be epileptic.

Submission form - https://forms.gle/GjQKWyi8xssE68UB9
Deadline: 31st July 2021 23:59 CET

Voting phase starts when all submissions are rendered and put together into a showcase video. More info on this will be in that video and on discord!

Can't wait to see what you guys can come up with.
Who is gonna find new unseen transitions?
Who is gonna fill the whole stadium with detailed scenery?
I guess we'll find out!

Good luck! :d

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