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 MM Open Map Pool

by  SkiFreak ,  Nixotica |  7 |  0
ID  4004 
 Map request
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MM Open Map Pool

The Mixed Motif Open Map Pool (name subject to change) is a standardized collection of maps available to be used in competitions, and especially likely to be utilized in NCSA regional events. Some events may take one or a few maps from the open map pool and fill the rest of their mappack with their own maps. Maps of varying difficulties are welcome in the open map pool, but all must follow the mapping details and guidelines below.

  • If you are an event organizer and would like to use maps from the open map pool for part or all of your mappack, feel free to just go ahead and do that, it is an open standard. You may also contact mappers to ask for sign/name/mod changes.
  • You may have been sent here from another mappack to upload your track. If so, thank you!

    The MM Open Map Pool Wants YOUR Maps!

    Submission Details
    Deadline: No deadline, this mappack is always accepting maps unless otherwise noted.
    Submission Limit: No limit on number of maps each mapper can submit (as long as maps fit the mappack guidelines below!).
    Collabs: Allowed

    Map Details
    Name Format: $i$sOMP - [mapname]
    Style: Motif Multistyle (see below)
    Length: 50 to 80 seconds
    Difficulty: Easy, intermediate, or advanced. Double-respawnable, safe finish required (if risky is present)
    Mood: Sunrise, Day, or custom time with similar visibility (10am is pretty nice if you haven't tried it before)
    Scenery: Clean/Competitive (prioritize visibility and performance)
    Mediatracker: No intro/outro, no GPS
    Custom Blocks: Allowed, avoid shadow bugs
    Blockmix: Allowed if clean (enough), avoid flicker
    Signs: TBD / Any
    Texture Mod: TBD

    TMX Details
  • Feedback and changes may be requested of submitted maps.
  • If your map will be used in another event utilizing the MM Open Map Pool, you may be asked to create another version following a certain map name format, or using that event's signs, for example. If you modify your map for another event, please do not replace the version in the MMOMP mappack, instead upload it to a new tmx map page.
  • Submissions are automatically marked as "hidden" and "is unreleased". Please do not edit these settings.
  • Include the following information in your tmx description:
    Difficulty: [Insert difficulty here]
    Styles: [insert styles/surfaces used in the map here]
    Motif: [Insert short description of your motif]
    Submission: [If your map is also being submitted to a spesific competition, note that here]

    Map Style
    Maps should contain a combination of 2 or more styles*, for example tech + grass, or ice + dirt. Maps must also include a motif: a recurring, unique element of your track.

    Update: this video explains everything if you want it in video form.

    As examples, here are Nix's map & Ski's map. Nix's motif is weaving between the poles in the center, and Ski's is the freemode rings. Here is a recent Deska map where the slowing down turns are a kind of motif as well. Unlike an identity, a motif should blend well and align with the design of the rest of a track, and occur throughout it rather than in one spot that overshadows the rest of the map. All parts of a map should be relevant, and none should be massive difficulty spikes.

    If you are still confused/stubborn:
  • Diagram by Physh
  • "A lot of motifs could be called an identity, very few identities could have ever been called a motif" - CD
  • "Motif: defining characteristic of a map, repeated multiple times" - CD
  • Informational image by Ski on twitter.

    - It is recommended to consider following the principles outlined here.
    *We do not want a bunch of mixed style maps with dirt/grass/tech. We want a variety of combinations of styles, with dirt/grass/tech simply being one possible combination.

    For any questions, ping @SkiFreak in the NCSA TM discord server, or just send a dm. If you are an organizer and would like access to unreleased maps, or want do a dual submission where maps are submitted to both the open map pool and your mappack, feel free to again dm Ski.
  • Map List 0 maps
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