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 MTS 2024

by  TSkadiB |  35 |  78
  Tech Competitive    
ID  3795 
 Map request
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MTS 2024 - Mapping Rules

From hisoris, Skadi & Speedy

In order to revamp the competitive tech scene, we've been working together with some helpful hands on a soon-to-be released project. To turn this into a success, we need your mapping skills to create amazing maps.

In short, this project is an online yearly circuit consisting in 2 Championship + 1 Final Tech Team Events. More information about it will come in few weeks.

To be noted that the maptesting process also got rethought and highly favour the exchange between the mappers and the staff. For more transparency, in short we split the process in 3 milestones:
1. General: we check basic stuff like the style and the mapname e.g.
2. Track: the most painstaking step in which we check the track itself from a player's point of view
3. Outlook: to make your map outstanding, this final step will take care of the scenery and more
So expect to get contacted with constructive feedback in order to improve your map which may need to be updated.

Note that you can send a map with barely no scenery in your first sending as this will get reviewed once the first two steps are checked and validated.

TLDR: Build a 45s, 60s or 75s competitive Tech map

Right below are the mapping rules:
    Step 1: General
  • Submission: All maps must be submitted on TMX
  • Confidentiality: The map must be known by the mapper(s) and the author time’s driver only
  • Maps picked per season:
    ○ Spring Championship: 5 maps in short and medium lengths
    ○ Fall Championship: 5 maps in medium and long lengths
    ○ Top 12: 5 maps in medium length
    ○ Total: 15 different maps (different lengths excluded) | 25 maps (different lengths included)
    ○ Example:
    - For the Spring Championship we will use a pool of 5 maps (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Echo) in both short and medium lengths (Alpha-S, Alpha-M, Bravo-S, Bravo-M, Charlie-S, Charlie-M, Delta-S, Delta-M, Echo-S and Echo-M)
    - Same for the Fall Championship with a pool of 5 new maps (Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India and Juliett) in both medium and long lengths (Foxtrot-M, Foxtrot-L, Golf-M, Golf-L, Hotel-M, Hotel-L, India-M, India-L, Juliett-M and Juliett-L)
    - Finally for the Top 12 a pool of 5 new maps again (Kilo, Lima, Mike, November and Oscar) in medium length only (Kilo-M, Lima-M, Mike-M, November-M and Oscar-M)
  • Deadline: None, closed when enough maps have been accepted
  • Map name: Name is customizable. Up to 12 letters. No space, special character, number
    ○ Short length: $n$o$334MTS$ee4Name-S
    ○ Medium length: $n$o$334MTS$ee4Name-M
    ○ Long length: $n$o$334MTS$ee4Name-L
  • Limit: 3 maps per author at a time (1 of each length). It’s highly recommended to focus on only one at a time. Once a map is declined or accepted, the mapper is allowed to send another map. Do not send the same map in different versions unless an admin asks you to do so.
  • Environment: Default stadium
  • Mood: Day
  • Style: Competitive Tech
  • Mod: None. A custom Mod will be available on the Discord and will be free to use locally

    Step 2: Track
  • Length: Approximative pace of high tier players ±2 seconds. The Author Time must be as close as possible to this pace time
    ○ Short length: 45 seconds
    ○ Medium length: 60 seconds
    ○ Long length: 75 seconds
  • Difficulty:
    ○ Short length: easy to intermediate
    ○ Medium length: intermediate
    ○ Long length: intermediate to advanced
  • Playability: Rounds-friendly. This includes (✔=good; ✘=bad):
    ○ Gears: slowdown (✘), unintended gear up/down (✘), intended gear up/down (✔ but only once or twice)
    ○ Transitions: bad landings (✘), clips (✘), nodrift triggers (✘), speedchecks (✘)
    ○ CPs Placement: 5-10 sec inbetween (✔), cut/reroute (✘), obstruction (✘)
    ○ Obstacles: visual cues (✔) or obstruction (✘), obstacles on driving lines (✘)
    ○ Flow: variety (✔), pace changing (✔), miscalculated sections (✘), nodrift potential (✘), drift triggers (✔), breathing room (✔)
  • Lifetime: High, several weeks. This includes:
    ○ Creativity
    ○ Variety
  • Blockmix, mixmapping and embedded items: Restricted. No glitch, overlap or overuse.
  • Route: Single, respawnable
  • Start/Finish: Regular (no multilap), single (no alternative finish)

    Step 3: Outlook
  • GPS/Mediatracker: None
  • Scenery/Display cost: Light, attractive, clear, delightful and minimized
  • Signs: TTE signpack only. Personalized signs will be done for every map/mapper
If you have any question regarding this maprequest, you may contact @TSkadiB on Discord.

Competition Discord: https://discord.gg/DJxEwWaxtY
Map List 0 maps