Nordic Trackmania Championships
The nordic trackmania championships is an upcoming mixed competition bringing together the best Trackmania players of the nordic countries.
5 Maps will be chosen
The tournament will be a 32 players reverse cup mode tournament, more info can be found in the discord:
Style: Competitive Mixed.
Duration: 50s to 65s.
Mood: Day or Sunrise.
Blockmix and mixmapping: Allowed.
Difficulty: Intermediate. Respawnable. Don't protect your map with a password.
Nationality: At least one mapper needs to be from any nordic country. Max amount of builders per map is 2.
Map Tag: $F00N$00FT$FFFM$C03C $000- $fffmapname
Deadline: December 15th 2023
Round friendly: Your map has to be made for rounds.
Scenery: Minimal and nordic themed, this can be either generally nordic, or for a specific nordic country/region
Mapsize: The mapsize has to be 6 Mb max.
Use of snow car or wood Due to unknown future changes to wood, we will not be allowing snow car sections, or the use of wood