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 Maji Mondays Mapping Competition

by  SantiMz24 ,  Titato |  51 |  0
ID  3166 
Maji Mondays Mapping Competition

Hello everyone! Im hosting this competition to see who can create the best Maji Mondays inspired map!

Style: Select one of the following prompts suggested in previous Maji Mondays, and build accordingly:

    A)Pipes and Quarterpipes
    B)Reactors & Bumpers
    C)Only scenery Blocks

Length: Between 30 sec - 60 sec validation run. (Driven as best as possible)
Custom items: Allowed
Freeblocking: Allowed
Custom base: Allowed
Scenery: Keep that to a minimum, Maji Monday maps are known to not have scenery.
Mediatracker: GPS and Cam changes are appreciated, not mandatory.
Mod: Not allowed
Submission amount: Max 1 map per user
Map Naming convention: $A8D$sMAJI MONDAY - X | $FFFMap Name (X is the chosen prompt letter)
e.g.: (if you chose to map Reactors and Bumpers) -> $A8D$sMAJI MONDAY - B | $FFFFlying Dings
Deadline: 23/06 23:59 CET
Format: Maji will play all of the maps on stream starting on Monday 26/06 and select 8 maps which will go to a Double Elimination bracket where chat will vote for their favorite.
Maps will be revalidated by mods Titato_ and santim24, to hide author and skin that could influence the voting.

1st 300$
2nd 150$
3rd 50$

Winner's map also will be picked to kickstart the next Maji Mondays season.

For any questions or discussions regarding the competition check the discord : Link
Map List 0 maps