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 Kécup 2

by  Heasto ,  Velom_ |  6 |  35
ID  286 
Welcome to the Kécup mappack.
The Kécup is a 6 maps competition imagined by Heasto and Velom_ in May 2020.
Initially we wanted to do win a Kebab but too complicated for the organizer.
So we kept the name and we put into play a nice cash prize of 60€.
But for this edition we come back even stronger with the theme of Pizza :p !
Big thank you Nadéo and Marekem for their trust in the project, which increases the cash prize to 120€ :award: .
The 6 maps of the mappack are available on the servers of the Kécup club.
3 maps by Heasto, 3 maps by Velom.
Our dear Pantoufl will be the official caster this this edition.
Kécup 2 will take place on January 9 and 10, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.
Go on :
https://discord.gg/Mq6BWSC for Register !
Map List 0 maps