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 8CC 2024

by  OctagonCR |  8 |  0
  Competitive Mixed    
ID  4954 
 Map request
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Submit your maps here for 8CC (Octagon's Camel Cup) 2024. Deadline is September 1. You can start mapping now!


1. I want competetive maps. No RNG or Kacky/Lunatic.

2. The theme is for the maps to be as creative as possible. So new transitions, new turns, new kinds of meshes of styles etc.

3. Every style is allowed. I want some tech, I want some FS, I want some mixed, I want some ice, mini-RPG.

4. Prefered map length 40 sec - 90 sec

5. No GPS. I would like players to find their own lines.

6. You can submit however many maps you want.

7. Don't make impossible/gigahunted AT's. A clean run is good enough.

8. Your map must be NEW. You can re-use parts of your old projects and use macroblocks for scenery. This is fine, but no old maps. This will be checked, by me.

9. Experienced mapper or beginner mapper it doesn't matter. I pick what I like and what I feel like flows well. I don't care what your name is, if the map is good and fit the theme, I'm going for it. Don't be afraid even if you are less experienced. Show me what you've got!

10. All maps must have CAMELS in the scenery or on the track. You can find the blocks here: https://item.exchange/itemsearch?itemname=camel

11. Maximum two car switches per map. Anything more to me, is just a mess.

12. Please make checkpoints respawnable. Last time so many submissions had unrespawnable checkpoints. Please think about this. And also no giga hard speedchecks. 8CC is for every skill level.

13. I will pick what I feel are the best 9-10 maps out of the pack. I might collab with an experienced mapper to pick out the best ones. Last year, Stufts helped me out with that.

14. The prizepool will be 400 euros like last year, unless you want to donate more to the pricepool.

15. There will be no pre-practice this year. There will be a 15 minute seeding round on a map that I will create, and then we move into cup mode where we will have 3-4 minutes of warm up per map, and then we go into the rounds. So this time it will be more of a fast learning experience

16. Yours truly and Turbo will cast like last year.

17. Cuts are allowed but I will obviously check for cutproofs during maptesting

Discord is here, for just chatting or if you have any questions: https://discord.com/channels/1169885465407668256

Just enjoy and I hope to see a big turnout.

Here is the Liquipedia for last years tourney: https://liquipedia.net/trackmania/8CC

Map List 0 maps