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 Multi Surface Campaign

by  Ybraid |  25 |  72
ID  3408 
This is my first attempt at creating proper maps (and my first time actual trying to do scenery). As such, the styles and scenery are all over the place as I was doing a lot of experimenting, and was figuring things out as I went. My overall theme for each colour series was to create maps using only one surface type (road, dirt, sausage, ice), with a little bit of leeway. The last track of the series would be a mixed map where the map was broken down into distinct surface sections (except 25 where it is more like a proper mixed route).

The first 15 ish maps were created in less than a day each as I was originally trying to get this campaign done for a community campaign submission. The routes of the rest of the tracks were still done in a few hours at most , but I put a bit more effort (in general) into the scenery. I decided to not go back to earlier tracks I had made to make changes as I thought it would be a better indication of how my mapping changed throughout this process.

Some tracks are definitely more dank than the others, and there are some aspects of a lot of the tracks that I think could be better (better calculated, smoother, non-existent), but I am happy in general with how they turned out.

ATs don't necessarily increase in difficulty as you go through the tracks, it really depends on how much I wanted to hunt the time. In general, I spent about 1.5 hours on each track actually doing validation runs (on top of the time testing the tracks as I built them). Below is a link to a youtube playlist with all of my AT replays.

AT replays youtube playlist
Map List 0 maps
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