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 JUT|FS Hunt Season3 Campaign

by  Tundil897 ,  KRTFFLSTMPF |  25 |  139
ID  3158 
JUT is a growing german-speaking fullspeed team with an active international community on discord.
Every monday evening we organize a Mapdiscovery for newly released fs maps of the past week,
followed by a voting for the favorite map & FS Hunt of that week.

Maps are just taken from TrackmaniaExchange as they are released and tagged 'FullSpeed',
which leads to a wide variety of quality & sub-styles (sometimes not even fs).

After going through the maps on a 10 min. TA server one map will be decided upon by a voting in discord.
Winning map is hunted by the fs community for a week and the winner is getting a shoutout.

To participate
You can find the current hunt map either ingame-
Room: JUT|FS Hunt Campaign: JUT|Hunt Campaign³
or over Discord to see results & announcements:
JUT or also shared in FullSpeedFam

Map List 0 maps