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Read Post 8:48 AM on 04-Jul-2020
Hi, people! I cant find any thread in this forum about this simple and natural question: how to create a server in this new game. Perhaps this question seems a little stupid but this new Nadeo game is pretty messy and nothing is actually clear....
Read Post 8:20 AM on 04-Jul-2020
Read Post 8:20 AM on 04-Jul-2020
https://i.imgur.com/J12v1Gk.jpg The TMX Knockouts regularly need new maps to keep things fresh and interesting! All players are welcome to submit maps for possible inclusion. Below are the map packs you can build for, as well as mapping guidelines,...
Read Post 6:46 AM on 04-Jul-2020
Hello, I wonder how the track of the day is selected. Does anybody know more about this topic than already is told? What I know is that in the map review area the best rated tracks got a chance to get picked by nadeo. But how the system works...
Read Post 9:36 PM on 03-Jul-2020
Been away from Trackmania for many years but really digging this new game. What's better then to start mapping and seeing what this new editor can do? Enjoy this rather challenging but flowing tech track while testing some of the new features a...
Read Post 6:47 PM on 03-Jul-2020
Welcome to TrackMania Exchange! Use this forum if you... - found a problem / bug on TMX. - have a suggestion / idea for TMX. - want to voice an opinion related to TMX / its moderators. All other posts (general site discussions, game bugs, et...
Read Post 3:49 PM on 03-Jul-2020
#1 SUPER LOVE SYNTHWAVE https://trackmania.exchange/tracks/439/super-love-synthwave
Read Post 8:26 AM on 03-Jul-2020
Best off topic topic ever! Show of your cockpits/wheelhouses/sofas/whatever it is you play TM in! Would also be cool to hear a little about your setup! I'll go first: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/0bzl2bf6kchmy8t/8F7CCB31-8AD6-433F-921B...