WIP - Mikowmer's Enduro #1 - Sector 1

 0  10  1  0  148
 16219 ID
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Map Information
Map Times
Race, Mixed
Type Race Map Type TM_Race
Vehicle CarSport Game Trackmania
Routes Single
Mood Day (48x48) Base Size X: 48 Y: 40 Z: 48
In-game Name Mikowmer's Enduro #1 - Sector 1
Online UUID
(Not uploaded yet)
In-game Author
Display Cost 15283
File & Items Size 2160 / 0 KB
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Last Update: Next Update in 2 days
Score Leaderboard points gained, based on Map value and proximity to current WR
Penalty - only relevant to time for Platform maps
00:10.00 Replay is invalid & driven on a different version of the map
Author Comments
This is the first sector of a much larger endurance map I am attempting to create. I have managed to get all of my ideas down and now is the time to fine tune it. I've already made a couple of changes thanks to people in the track review system (which I can definitely say has helped, so thankyou to those people if you ever see this!) but I'm still looking for more feedback.

It was noted that I had a large number of hairpins, so I stretched out a couple of corners just after CP2, while almost completely reworking the dirt section almost immediately after CP3. The loop apparently negatively affects the flow of the track, but I like the challenge it presents, so I haven't touched it directly yet. The stretching of the two corners immediately before the loop should help with that somewhat.

Do keep in mind that this is to be a part of a rather lengthy endurance map as you can see on the rest of the map. Therefore, I do need to keep in mind that making things too difficult will make it harder to hunt for a good time, whilst also presenting a somewhat challenging race that isn't boring. Estimated lap time for the full track at the moment is roughly 6 minutes.

I would like the track to be able to be run on potatos as well, so do let me know if I need to remove a few screens for those of you on less powerful systems.
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