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 SBMC - The Bear

by  orowoe  |  0
AT   00:43.643 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Intermediate 
ID  161720 
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"outside dirt is a scourge to our society"
"gear 2 is impossible Shirley"
"map has noslides --"
 Embedded objects18 Objects
Object IX? Object author
2-6-1_TM2_RoadDirtToRoadHalfA.Block.Gbx eFFecT
GroundBlack.Block.Gbx eyebo
SideWaterEnterance.Block.gbx Juice
PenaltyGrassSlopeWithHole24m.Block.Gbx iNDEX
spc_slope_bottom_1X_r_pillar.Item.gbx squiki.wp
DirtBL.Item.Gbx Rxelux
DirtTS.Item.Gbx Rxelux
StructureCornerSlopeTop_sol.Item.Gbx slowpiou
9_RoadWoodHole.Item.Gbx Juice
7_RoadWoodBranchCross.Item.Gbx Juice
V_BRN-RD_Str_Flat_Flat_Up1_Center_Size2.Item.Gbx Juice
V_PD_Str_Flat_BLeft_Even_Center_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
V_RD_Tur_Flat_BiS_Down1_Right2_Size2.Item.gbx Juice
Pole_Cover_Road_Tilted_Single1mdown.Item.Gbx 2tuvKOe1Qpu_N4yMFBn89A
Pole_Cover_Platform_Tilted.Item.Gbx 2tuvKOe1Qpu_N4yMFBn89A
Pole_Cover_Road_Flat_Single.Item.Gbx 2tuvKOe1Qpu_N4yMFBn89A
OpenDirtToPlatform.Item.Gbx sophie.ice
OpenDirtToSlopePlatform.Item.Gbx sophie.ice
 15 / 18 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange