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 Maji Mondays S3 Mapping Competition

by  SantiMz24 ,  Titato |  40 |  10
ID  4203 
Maji Mondays S3 Mapping Competition

We are back hosting this competition to see who can create the best Maji Mondays inspired map!

Style: Select one of the following prompts suggested in previous Maji Mondays:

A)Plastic Bounces and Wallhugs
B)Reactor Water
C)Tech and Jumps

Length: No longer than 1 minute validation run. (Driven as best as possible)
Vehicles: Stadium car only. No switching allowed.
Custom items: Allowed
Freeblocking: Allowed
Custom base: Allowed
Scenery: Keep that to a minimum, Maji Monday maps are known to not have scenery.
Mediatracker: GPS and Cam changes are appreciated, not mandatory.
Mod: Not allowed
Respawnability: Map must be finishable from any standing respawn. Custom respawns are not needed if finishable but appreciated if the map has high speed sections (can also be done with alternate routes)
Submission amount: Max 1 map per user
Map Naming convention: $A8D$sMAJI MONDAY - X | $FFFMap Name (X is the chosen prompt letter)
e.g.: (if you chose to map Reactors Water) -> $A8D$sMAJI MONDAY - B | $FFFFlying Dings
Try to give your map a name that doesnt gives clue about your identity.
Format: Maji will play all of the maps on stream starting on Monday 26/02 and select 8 maps which will go to a Double Elimination bracket were chat will vote for their favorite.
Maps will be revalidated by mods Titato_ and santim24, to hide author and skin that could influence the voting.

DEADLINE: 24/02 - 23:59 CET
(if you can't make it by a few hours, please communicate beforehand)

1st 300$
2nd 150$
3rd 50$

Winner's map also will be picked to kickstart the next Maji Mondays season.

For any questions or discussions regarding the competition check the discord : Link
Map List 0 maps