Asia/Oceania Community Campaign

 20  0  287
 1132 ID
Map NameAuthorVehicleTypeTagsLengthDiffAw.Dl.
1.AOCC | Amongside ParkwayMekhCarSportRaceTech, Competitive, Signature36s
 3 445
2.AOCC | The PathLostSoleCarSportRaceScenery, Mixed43s
 4 492
3.AOCC | PsilocybinQueen ClownCarSportRaceDirt, Bumper, Grass37s
 4 419
4. AOCC | Frosty DesertDanger RaeCarSportRaceFullSpeed, Ice, Dirt32s
 2 1.3K
5.AOCC | KashmakashrehannawabCarSportRaceMixed52s
 2 411
6.AOCC | Green TaxiMooXCarSportRaceRace, Tech26s
 3 625
7.AOCC | Ode Buat Kotaresir014CarSportRaceMixed27s
 1 425
8.AOCC | DisarraySmithyTMCarSportRaceMixed36s
 2 465
9.AOCC | 真夜中のドリフトKudajingkrak12CarSportRaceIce, Water59s
 2 1.2K
10.AOCC | TwistedKengiCarSportRaceFullSpeed, SpeedDrift42s
 1 531
11.AOCC | BlitzXx_Redbolt_xXCarSportRaceFullSpeed, Competitive, Mixed43s
 1 420
12.AOCC | Sun's RetreatKurtifyCarSportRaceTech, Dirt01m 00s
 10 751
13.AOCC |DualBoxSpyder23_CarSportRaceMixed01m 17s
 2 398
14.AOCC | SymphonySimplyNickCarSportRaceCompetitive, Ice52s
 5 427
 7 435
16.AOCC | Island HoppingTM_MumbleCarSportRaceScenery, Grass, Water01m 04s
 4 485
17.AOCC | ClutchNachoCarSportRacePlatform, Mixed02m 08s
 6 485
18.AOCC | ENDUREDoogieMDCarSportRaceEndurance, Mixed02m 49s
 3 792
19.AOCC | Night RideGamingboy2508CarSportRaceMixed01m 31s
 2 461
20.AOCC | KenapaLvyathanCarSportRaceLOL09s
 2 410
Author Comments
The Asia and Oceania Trackmania community welcomes you to our community campaign! 21 tracks in a wide variety of styles from 21 different mappers. Some names you'll recognise, some you'll kick yourself for not discovering sooner.

A big thank you to everyone who participated - all the maps are SO GOOD and I'm incredibly proud of what we've pulled together.

You can find the AOCC 2021 campaign either through our club, Trackmania Asia/OCE, or by searching for it in the Library under the Solo tab. You're also welcome to join us on Discord!
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