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 CCP#05 - LightLeap ft' Popouette

by  Whizzy.. +1 |  10
High quality
Open to feedback
AT   14:41.826 |  Stadium / CarSport   |   Expert 
ID  144727 
 Visible (approved) |  Released    2023-12-05T11:00:00.0000000 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   21:54.345   green-K- 10 (100%)
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Hello TrackmaniaExchange!

I'm back after a break with another release alongside   Popouette_TM. This time for the Christmas Calendar Project 2023.

This map pays homage to the classic TMGL 6 lapper maps with myself and Popouette trying to let loose in terms of creativity. Hope you guys like it!

Merry Christmas everyone!

🎄 🎁
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 14 / 16 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
 Included in mappacks
Name Creator Tracks Etc
TMX Christmas Calendar Project 2023  ThaumicTom 25