This project is a collaboration between Frontiers and the french streamer Wingo! Links to his channel and socials are down below. The purpose of the project was to make an accessible RPG map for beginners, whilst maintaining the fun and pleasure of an RPG! You will be able to discover an entire world, even if you are fairly new to the game, or to RPG in general. The second purpose of the project is to make other french streamers discover Trackmania, more specifically RPG in Trackmania, through easy RPG maps made for them. The event takes place on the 7th of February, on the date of the map release! The lore of this map is fairly simple, so I let you discover everything on it.
Trailer link:
Frontiers on X:
Frontiers Discord:
RPG Discord:
Wingo on Twitch:
Wingo on X:
Wingo's Event Description:
For this map, there is no specific inspiration besides "Indiana Jones" kinda vibes. You'll enter the dense forest of some remote island and find a lost treasure in the depth of an old temple... Also the treasures (yes, there is also an easter egg treasure) are related to Wingo's twitch channel!
Theme: an island, some dense forest, and a temple!
Author Time: 3:52.878
Gameplay: Beginner
Pathfinding: Accessible
Scenery Details: tm²-like full-custom dense and very detailed scenery
Mod: Jungle (Link:
https://assets.wingobear.com/TrackMania/Mods/RPGJungleV1.zip → Place it in "\Trackmania\Skins\Stadium\Mod" zipped)
Style: RPG, Platforming, Car Control, Stunts & Tricks, Pathfinding
Music: Scott Buckley - There was a time
Building time: 250h
MediaTracker: Yes
Easter Egg: 1 big one + a few other small easter eggs spread on the map!