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TrackMania 2020 Snow Signs
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TrackMania 2020 Snow Signs  
Here I present my self-created animated ❄️ snow signs suitable for the new 20th anniversary of TrackMania 2020. I hope you like them and it would make me really happy to see them in one of your maps. Have fun with it. :d



- The signs have now been implemented separately, as the user "ToaOfJustice" has developed an Asian gantry, which is known from the original TrackMania from 2003.

- The loc files have also been added.

- The old signs have now been discontinued and will no longer be updated. The download will still remain, however. At most, I will add the loc files to the old signs.


Download Link:





Download Link:

Last edited by Pixelperfect,
Awesome work, Pixelperfect! :cool: I added a link to this thread on my item set's page. Here are some screenshots of your signs on my gantry.

(This screenshot includes the start-pad item by StupsKiesel.)
Thank You :D  
Thank you, but your items turned out very well too. 😊
Last edited by Pixelperfect,
You're welcome, and thanks. :) I updated "2003 - A Snow Odyssey" to use your signs. In my view, the symbols on your signs are more visible than the default arrows and my overlays.
The map looks pretty good. I drove straight away. Respect 😊👌
Thanks! :) Do you have any suggestions for improving the map?
Not directly. I thought the map was very well done. But there still needs to be a version of the Asia Gantry where it is placed on the ground. So a small version of it, where there are only three signs. But that's just a suggestion. 😊
I'm working on the smaller ground version of the gantry now.

In addition, I'm sorry to inform you that I had to re-upload my map because TheChraz discovered that it was missing embedded items. As a result, all replays and records got erased. However, the items should be properly embedded now.

EDIT: It's done!

Last edited by ToaOfJustice,
Looks just incredibly mega good. Respect to you. 😮🫢👌 And yes, I noticed that too. I had to download all the items that were missing again and insert them, then it worked.
Last edited by Pixelperfect,
Thank you very much. :) I'm glad you were able to get the map to work. Would you mind downloading the updated map and checking that all items are embedded properly?
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