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Read Post 7:50 PM on 13-May-2024
That was really the last update for now. Nothing will be changed anymore as the loc files are now available.
Read Post 11:42 PM on 12-May-2024
I didn't get much feedback, but it's been almost a week so it's probably time to make the ruling official. You'll now officially get a 10% bonus for every 500 points under the 2,000 point build cost limit your map is, same as I suggested earlier. The...
Read Post 9:18 PM on 12-May-2024
I sat down and created additional time of day signs from the original TM2020 Parallax Signs and am now making them available. These are available in all sizes: 1x1, 2x1 and 4x1. Have fun with them :D --------------------------------------------...
Read Post 11:23 PM on 08-May-2024
I was just wondering what the minimum length a track can be. This concept sounds fun, and I'll probably participate this time! -from an extremely heavy object user time to start building!
Read Post 1:25 PM on 07-May-2024
I like it, obviously, and will probably be going for the <500 mark. :) That being said, I'm not going to be too bothered if you decide not to follow through. As a scenery enjoyer I don't like the idea. Mappers could simply sacrifice scenery to...
Read Post 12:40 AM on 07-May-2024
The king of the court has called all the jesters forward. They shall each deliver their best joke, and the court shall deliver judgement upon them. That's right, it's voting time! We've got 5 silly maps to try out this time. Here's how to vote: G...
Read Post 12:34 AM on 07-May-2024
Having mulled for a bit, this is where I'm at: I'm thinking of making a change to the rules. To incentivize going for even tighter budgets, I'd like to add a 10% bonus to participants' final scores for every 500 points under the primary 2000 displ...
Read Post 12:19 PM on 06-May-2024
That said, I like the idea of a % points bonus for keeping even further under the limit. A boost every extra 500 points under sounds good to me, but let me mull it over for a bit before committing to anything. As a scenery enjoyer I don't like...
Read Post 3:05 AM on 06-May-2024
The idea is that it would be hard to make both a track and good scenery within 2000 cost, since it's really easy to go over that if you're not paying attention to it. I mainly didn't want to force people to sacrifice scenery just to keep the route in...
Read Post 9:10 PM on 05-May-2024
2000 or less seems really generous? These contests are always more fun, IMO, when you have to really lean into the theme. How about 1000? Or even 500? Edit: Or at least maybe some bonus % ranking based on how much under 2000 you are? 2000 is to...